Reasons to Get an Australian Shepherd
Have you in your life wanted to own a dog? Other than all of the time-consuming tasks that come along with owning a dog, becoming a dog owner will make your life better. Having a companion with you has been scientifically proven to boost brain positivity as well as other things. With so many breeds of dogs, how can you pick the right one? Even though there are so many different types, we believe Australian Shepherds should be at the top of your list. Australian Shepherds have been a companion of man for years, and today we are going to be going over some of the many reasons to get an Australian Shepherd.
Smart Dogs:
There are plenty of reasons to get an Australian Shepherd, and our first reason is due to their intelligence. Other than their super cute looks, Australian Shepherds have been considered one of the smartest breeds of dogs and their actions prove it. Australian Shepherds are constantly curious, and they will always come to see what you are doing. Aussies are also very energetic so be sure to have plenty of activities for them to do. Activities such as fetching the mail, and doing tricks can keep them busy as well as help their creativity blossom. Teaching them these tricks at a very young age will help with their growth and train them to become helpful as they get older. Aussies were originally herder dogs, so don’t be afraid to overwork them since they love it!
Being Active With Your Dog!:
Another great reason to get an Australian Shepherd is because of their energy. Aussies are extremely energetic and will force you to be active with them. They love going on hikes and exploring new places. Take this as an opportunity to become more active yourself! Spend some time playing catch with them down at a dog beach! Although those are two great reasons to get an Australian Shepherd, there's one more that tops them all. Loyalty. Australian Shepherds have been known to be one of the most loyal breeds, and that’s something every dog owner strives for.
Getting an Australian Shepherd can drastically change your life for the better. Having a loyal companion can give you more of a reason to be active. If you do end up getting an Australian Shepherd, be sure to check out our assortment of dog leashes. With three different designs, our dog leashes are bound to be a perfect fit for your travel companion!
Written by @visualsbyry